Designing Landing Pages for Online Education
CFI Education
Web Design, UX/UI Design, Graphics, Content
Flo (UI/UX Designer)
Bettsina (Design Lead)
Yuting, Victor, Katie (Education, Financial Analysts)
Vica and Luke (Marketing)
Gwyn (Developer)
Tim (CEO)
Tools Used
Problem Space
As an online financial education company, CFI is constantly producing new courses and programs. We’ve moved from only focusing on one main product, to marketing multiple course bundles and programs.
With these new products, our website needs to be constantly updated to reflect our new expansion of courses and programs.
We also need to test to make sure that marketing these additional products don’t distract and impact the sales of our original product.
Working Cross-Functionally
As the designer, I work with different departments of our team to design these pages. First, I collect content from the financial analysts and learning specialists. Then, I work with our CEO and marketing team for content ideas. I then create the designs, gather feedback (from CEO and marketing), and iterate.
These are some of the marketing landing pages for our products.
More content coming soon!
Here are a few snapshots of our marketing landing pages for our online courses and certifications.
A landing page for marketing our Certification Programs, and their special features.
A landing page for the Machine Learning course bundle.
Keep posted for more content… As you expect, I am probably a bit busy designing, and need to spend more time documenting. :) If you’re interested in more of my work for CFI, check out how we built our Design System.
Thanks for reading!
Related Projects:
Building out CFI’s Design System
Building a scalable, modular, component-based library for CFI.